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Summer is Here! Non-profits Let's Go!

For a lot of non-profit organizations they will begin feeding the children during the summer. Each year, hundreds of new applicants apply to work with the Texas Department of Agriculture. The state of Texas allows non-profit organizations to apply and receive eligibility to feed children in various areas of the state and be reimbursed for their expenses. This is a very lucrative task for each organization as each organization builds a revenue base that can be provided to other corporations for future business. The growth of the organization with TDA is organized, structured, tracked financially and shows capability to operate with the Department of Agriculture.

The thing to remember is that organizations must have a 501(c)(3) in order to work with TDA. If you are considering working with the TDA during the summer or even providng afterschool, day care center, home or adult day care home or center feeding, this is a great beginning state program for your organization.

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